Arena User Documentation
Maintain Parity Exclusions
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Document Library > Applications > Communications and Performance Management Module > Performance Management > Master File Maintenance > Maintain Parity Exclusions

Glossary Item Box

Maintain Parity Exclusions

Parity exclusion is similar to the like for like exclusion in that this enables the ability to remove days from the parity measure for a store. However it differs slightly from like-for-like in a couple of respects: -

  1. Like for like is used if a store is closed, say for a refit, in a specific day. Parity Exclusion covers the case where a store had an unusual situation e.g. the road was closed and traffic was limited, and it is considered unfair to compare parity on these days.
  2. A day for a store will be excluded from like for like if the day this year or last year has been excluded. For parity, a store will only be excluded if the current year day is flagged.
    If last year the day was flagged as excluded for parity but not this year, the parity will still be measured on the current year day.

Criteria Form

The criteria will be used to generate the parity settings of a store across a month range.


The level 1 report shows the settings of the selected store within the month. When the store name is clicked, the Level 2 Report is displayed

allowing the user to maintain settings for the given store.

A check box against each day allows the user to maintain parity exclusions for the selected store and click submit to save the changes.

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